
Goodbye, Sweetheart, a short film that Iris MediaWorks produced has been accepted to the Long Island Intl. Film Expo 2013. Directed by Olenka Denysenko and photographed by Glen Mordeci. Goodbye, Sweetheart is a story about Elsa, who finds herself in an impossible situation when her husband, ruthless mob boss Mr. White, has her brother murdered. When pressured by Detective Moore to turn against her husband, Elsa must decide between sticking to his side and playing the role of the loyal wife, or ratting him out and possibly enduring the same fate as her murdered brother. Congratulations to the cast and crew! The film will be

We've been extraordinarily busy over the past few months.  So busy that we haven't had much time to update our blog.  In the past four months, we made an entire feature film and saw it screen with rave reviews in 30+ cities domestic and foreign, have produced several commercials, and even took a vacation!  We're back at it and to follow will be some of the updates that we've been meaning to write.